Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341 m²

Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 0Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 1Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 2Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 3Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 4Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 5Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 6Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 7Luxury villa for sale Prague East 1341m 8
Panenské Břežany, Outside Prague
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 7 + KK
Interior 1 341 m²
Land 2 842 m²
Parking yes (4 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-XM223

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer a luxury family villa, built to the highest standard using the highest quality materials. The villa is set in an up-and-coming garden, adjacent to a forest that provides complete privacy and tranquility.

The first floor of the villa offers an entrance corridor equipped with storage areas leading into the guest room with a double bed and a private bathroom, a spacious entrance hall from which you enter the bright living room connected with the kitchen and the dining area with direct access to the sunny garden. The second wing is a palatial hall with an indoor heated swimming pool with a garden exit, a sauna with a bathroom, a separate toilet and a salt cave.On the second floor, which is divided into the left and right wing, there is a spacious bedroom with a balcony, a pleasant sitting area and a garden view, a generous dressing room, a spacious bathroom and a solarium room. In the second part there are two bedrooms with dressing rooms and each of them has a balcony, a separate bathroom and a representative office.On the underground floor there is a garage, technical background, fitness and a cardio center, a massage lounge, a corridor offering storage space from which you can enter the Cinema. The cinema is equipped with a special projection screen, high-quality audio and video technology, a central touch controller, and of course the Fortune Deluxe three-seat electrically adjustable seats. On the plot is located  garden house with summer kitchen, garden has an automatic irrigation and cutting system, 6 garages (including built-in lifting platforms).The location offers all civic amenities, school, kindergarten, sports complex, library.

The center of Prague is just 20 minutes by car. The nearest shopping center is just 8 minutes away.

  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • cinema
  • nature view
  • low energy
  • swimming pool
  • sauna
  • jacuzzi
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