Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m²

Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 0Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 1Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 2Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 3Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 4Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 5Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 6Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 7Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 8Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 9Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 10Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 11Luxury villa for sale, Prague 5, Velká Chuchle - 674 m² with a plot of 2,276 m² 12
Praha 5, Prague 5
Price (rent) Rented
Dispositions Atypical
Interior 674 m²
Terrace 45 m²
Garden 1 796 m²
Land 2 276 m²
Floor 1.NP, 2.NP
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-KMKRH
Property description

We offer for sale a luxury villa in an attractive location in a quiet part of Prague 5 with breathtaking views.

The villa, which is situated on three floors, offers generous spaces available 12+kk. The interior has a total usable area of 674 m2. Royal living for a family or two apartments for two generations - this is what this exceptional villa hides. You can create 8kk and 3kk size units by simple separation. The first floor is divided into two wings, where the living room stands out with high ceilings and adds to the spectacular and timeless atmosphere with a touch of luxury. The modern kitchen, which is a closed room, is connected by a dining area and flows seamlessly into the other three rooms with bathrooms. It also includes a technical room, a fitness room and a room that can be used, for example, as a room for guests or the housekeeper. On the second floor, there is a master bedroom with a bathroom and a dressing room, and you will also find two children's rooms with a shared bathroom. Furthermore, a spacious master bedroom with bathroom, dressing room and direct access to the terrace. A guest room with its own bathroom is also an essential part.

The house is located in a closed complex with security, so it guarantees complete privacy. The villa offers unique views of the countryside. Included are two parking spaces in the garage and two spaces on the property. An integral part are two technical rooms, a dressing room, a gym with a toilet and a room for guests or a servant's room with its own bathroom. The villa is equipped to a high standard. Whether it is a home wine cellar, underfloor heating, air conditioning or a luxury Bang & Olufsen audio system. Window blinds in all windows are also included. In the garden there is a swimming pool, a children's corner and a spacious outdoor seating area. Among other things, it also includes a retention tank and it is possible to install solar panels in the future.

There are plenty of opportunities for an apartment in nature or sports activities nearby. Whether it is the nature park - Radotínsko - Chuchelský háj, or the nearby Velká Chuchle racecourse. There are schools, kindergartens and nearby shopping centers nearby.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • intelligent home
  • swimming pool
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