Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m²

Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 0Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 1Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 2Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 3Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 4Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 5Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 6Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 7Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 8Sale of residential unit 2+kk, Prague 2 Vinohrady - 55 m2 9
Vinohradska, Prague 2
Price (sale) Sold
Dispositions 2 + KK
Total area 55 m²
Interior 55 m²
Floor 5. NP
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-HWX3H
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer you unique living in a house that has undergone a sensitive and luxurious reconstruction, during which 23 exclusive apartment units were created, with new parquet floors and a practical cellar cubicle. The house also includes three non-residential spaces.

The building boasts a representative appearance with a reception, sauna, and an interior block with a garden, which is decorated with natural materials of the highest quality, such as wood, marble, brushed bronze, and glass. Careful reconstruction also included the installation of new mullioned windows and entrance doors, ensuring perfect insulation and safety. Upon entering the house, you will be welcomed by a modern electronic bell system and a renovated staircase, which will lead you to your brand new home, waiting for the final adjustments according to your taste.

The apartments in this house are airy and spacious, with enchanting views into the treetops. Birdsong will wake you up in the morning and you can relax in the shared courtyard in the evening, where comfortable seating with a barbecue is available. For perfect relaxation, you can use the private sauna or enjoy the tranquility in the garden area, which is ideal for rest. Thanks to the carefully thought-out location of the house, no new construction will ever shade your view.

Vinohrady is one of the most prestigious and sought-after residential locations in Prague, combining historical charm with modern urban life. Residents of Vinohrady have popular parks at their fingertips, such as Riegrovy Sady, where you can play sports, relax with friends, or enjoy a view of the Prague panorama. There's also Havlíčkovy Sady nearby, known for its vineyards and unique Grébovka, which is the ideal place for romantic walks or wine tasting. The location is full of top restaurants, stylish cafés and traditional bistros, making Vinohrady a gastronomic paradise. Theatres, galleries and boutiques underline the cultivated atmosphere of this part of the city.

Thanks to excellent transport links, it's easy to get to all parts of Prague - subway stations and tram lines are within walking distance. Vinohrady also offers complete civic amenities - from schools, kindergartens, health centers to shops.

This project is the ideal choice for those who are seeking prestigious housing with an emphasis on comfort and style in the center of Prague.

The energy class G is stated temporary, due to the amendment of the law no. 406/2000 Coll. on Energy Management. After the delivery of the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be displayed.

  • concierge
  • storage
  • historical building
  • after reconstruction
  • investment property
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