Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m²

Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 0Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 1Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 2Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 3Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 4Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 5Rent of duplex apartment 4+1, Prague 1 - 200 m2 6
Josefov, Prague 1
Price (rent) Reserved
Dispositions 4 + 1
Total area 212 m²
Interior 200 m²
Terrace 12 m²
Floor 5.NP, 6.NP
Parking yes
Property ID Y&T-25XHH
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Praha – historická část Josefov

Property description

We offer for rent a unique maisonette apartment 4+1 with an area of 200 m², located on the 5th and 6th floors of an elegant Art Nouveau building with an elevator at a prestigious address in Prague 1 city center. This spacious and bright apartment with a 12 m² terrace offers breathtaking views of Prague Castle and Petřín.

The layout of the apartment offers comfortable living on two floors. The lower part includes a generous living room with a functioning fireplace, a fully equipped kitchen with a dining room, one bedroom, a bathroom with a bathtub and two sinks, and a separate toilet. The upper floor has two more bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. The first bedroom features a bathroom with a jacuzzi, a shower, and direct access to the terrace, ideal for relaxation. The second bedroom has its own bathroom and a utility room with a washer and dryer.

The apartment is equipped with high-quality wooden floors, air conditioning, underfloor heating in the bathrooms and toilets, and radiators connected to a gas boiler. Of course, there is a prepared installation for a security system, ADSL internet connection, videophone, alarm, and security door. It is possible to rent a parking space nearby.

The surroundings offer complete civic amenities including cafes, restaurants, and cultural landmarks, such as the Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, or Rudolfinum. Transport accessibility is excellent thanks to the proximity of metro A (Old Town) and several tram lines. Parking is available in the nearby Rudolfinum garages for a fee.

This exceptional apartment represents the ideal combination of luxury living and historic charm in the center of Prague, with stunning views and modern amenities.

Energy class G is indicated only temporarily, according to the amendment of the law no. 406/2000 Coll. on energy management. The actual energy class will be indicated after the delivery of the energy label.

  • terrace
  • garage
  • loft / Mezonet
  • historical building
  • prague Сastle view
  • old Town view
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