Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225 m²

Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 0Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 1Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 2Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 3Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 4Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 5Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 6Luxury apartment in Vinohrady 225m 7
Vinohrady, Prague 2
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 5 + 1
Total area 230 m²
Interior 225 m²
Balcony 5 m²
Floor 4
Parking yes
Property ID Y&T-RKR5

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Luxusní Vinohrady jak je neznáte

Property description

We offer for sale a luxury apartment in Královské Vinohrady with a view of Riegrovy sady. Apartment with a layout of 5 +1 with an area of ​​230 m2, which combines the classic architectural style of Vinohrady in the early 20th century in a unique combination with the most modern technology of the 21st century for the most demanding. The four-storey terraced apartment building with an Art Nouveau street facade was built in 1905. The street facade of the building is richly decorated with plastic stucco decoration and the architectural design of this facade is emphasized by two bay windows over three floors.

Between the bedrooms with large storage spaces, the central space of the apartment is a large, magnificent living room with two gas fireplaces with a direct view of Riegrovy sady. The apartment has two balconies and covers the entire area of ​​the 4th floor of a beautiful renovated apartment building from 1905. The apartment has a bathroom with quality sanitary brand Geberit and whirlpool, there is a private sauna for several people, luxury jacuzzi for 2 people, fitness, 7 full HD 3D TVs, 7 music zones, new windows, central vacuum, soundproofing and two safes the highest security. The apartment is equipped with air conditioning.

The whole household can be controlled and monitored remotely with a smartphone / tablet (4 iPads are included in the apartment accessories). The unique equipment of the apartment includes a smart home system with the integration of 11 cameras, an alarm, a security door with a camera system and access via a biometric reader.

The house is located in a beautifully landscaped and quiet street right next to Riegrovy sady. The location offers an ideal combination of cultural and social life. Within walking distance there are schools and kindergartens, kindergartens and grammar schools, numerous cafes and restaurants in both Indian, Korean, Japanese and Czech, as well as shops and other services. The Vinohradská Tržnice tram stop is a 2-minute walk away and the Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station is a 4-minute walk away.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. Upon delivery of the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be stated.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garage
  • historical building
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • intelligent home
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