Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague

Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 0Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 1Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 2Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 3Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 4Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 5Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 6Family house for sale 4+1, land 983 m², East Prague 7
Radonice - Jenštejn, Outside Prague
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 4 + 1
Interior 130 m²
Land 983 m²
Floor 1.NP, 2.NP
Parking yes (3 cars)
Property ID Y&T-R5WHH

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We are offering a 4+1 family house for sale with a living area of 130 m², which is located on a plot of 983 m².

The house was completed in 1928 and underwent a complete renovation in 2001, which included new floors, plastic windows, electrical installation, plumbing and drainage. On the ground floor of the house there is a spacious kitchen with a dining room and a practical pantry, a large living room oriented to the northeast, a smaller room, a bathroom and a separate toilet. In the living attic there are two more rooms, a second bathroom with a tub and a shower, and also a spacious attic, which offers a wide range of possibilities for use.

The house is built of bricks and is heated by central gas heating with a condensing gas boiler. There is a large garage on the plot with capacity for three vehicles, including the possibility of parking a smaller truck. In addition, the house has a pergola and a swimming pool, ideal for rest and relaxation.

The property is connected to the municipal water supply and also has its own water source. Nearby, approximately 50–70 meters from the house, there is a bus stop with a quick connection to Černý Most (about 10 minutes by bus).

Radonice is an ideal place for those who are looking for calm living near nature, but also want easy access to Prague. The village prides itself on a friendly atmosphere and an active community. You can spend your free time here in nature - walks, bike rides or running in the surrounding countryside are popular. Nearby you will also find a sports complex with playing fields, a fitness centre and other opportunities for an active lifestyle. In the family park Amerika you will find many attractions not only for children and in the summer months it is possible to use the lakes with beautiful sandy and pebbly beaches for swimming. The dominant feature of the park is a covered amphitheatre, which mainly serves for summer fun, concerts, barbecues and similar events. Families with children will appreciate the proximity to modern school facilities.

This house represents an ideal dwelling for a family, who will appreciate the quiet environment with excellent accessibility to Prague.

The energy class G is given temporarily, due to the amendment of the law no. 406/2000 Coll. on energy management. After delivering the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be stated.

  • garden
  • garage
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • swimming pool
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