Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m²

Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 0Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 1Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 2Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 3Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 4Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 5Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 6Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 7Land for sale with building permit for the construction of a timeless villa - 1109 m2 8
Vonoklasy, Outside Prague
12 990 000 CZK
Price (sale) 12 990 000 CZK
Dispositions 6 + KK
Interior 400 m²
Land 1 109 m²
Parking yes
Property ID Y&T-K2X3H
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Exclusive living in the countryside with the city within easy reach. We offer for sale a large building plot with project documentation and issued building permit for the construction of a unique family villa. The construction can be started immediately after the purchase of the land!

Meet the new project, which combines a sense of beauty, comfort and the reality of today's world. We invite you to the location in the protected landscape area "Bohemian Karst" and at the same time close to Prague. You can enjoy a healthy lifestyle, a comfortable home, but also culture, entertainment and the heartbeat of the city.

Timeless family villa of pavilion character using traditional natural materials. Thoughtful multigenerational interior with unique views of the countryside. Organic maintenance free garden with habitat and relaxation zones. A refined combination of exterior, interior and garden design creates an exceptional concept of pleasant living in a protected area near Prague.

It is an individual building in the middle of an interesting, stabilized location of an experimental residential zone, which is related to the distinct modern architecture in the area. The building includes one functional unit on two floors, basement with garage parking for two cars. Heating will be provided by a ground-water heat pump with underfloor heating, heat recovery and cooling. This will achieve a very efficient energy class B.

The whole concept is conceived in a distinctive way, for a demanding client, with room for personalisation. Traditional materials were chosen in a modern concept, the colour scheme is mainly of an earthy character, with locally used colour accents... The garden is designed to communicate as much as possible with the exterior and interior of the house. An important point is the sightlines and vistas that subtly connect the interior and exterior living space.

The price is without commission!

  • garden
  • garage
  • new development
  • nature view
  • low energy
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