Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m²

Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 0Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 1Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 2Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 3Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 4Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 5Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 6Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 7Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 8Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 9Loft 3+kk for sale with terrace, Prague Modřany - 130 m² 10
Modřany, Prague 4
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 3 + KK
Total area 130 m²
Interior 96 m²
Balcony 34 m²
Floor 12.NP
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-R3HR3

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer for sale a stylish and bright 3+kk loft with a usable area of 96 m², featuring a spacious 34 m² balcony and a garage space, located in the dynamically developing area of Prague 4 - Modrany.

Thanks to large windows and an open concept of the interior, the loft has an airy and modern feel. The imaginative design stems from the combination of hard materials such as concrete, metal, or glass with a gentle combination of wood, resulting in an unusual yet trendy place to live with an industrial touch, perfectly fitting into these generous spaces. The loggia provides a pleasant place for relaxation, whether with a morning coffee or an evening sitting with a view of the surroundings. The garage space in the underground parking ensures hassle-free parking.

This residence offers its residents premium services, including a spa, pool, fitness center, and the option to use the reception or concierge services, which will make everyday life easier and more pleasant. Another gem is the car elevator, allowing you to park your vehicle directly in your apartment.

Modřany is among the popular residential areas, offering a great combination of nature, civic amenities, and excellent transportation accessibility. Tram line no. 17 will comfortably get you to the center of Prague in just 20 minutes, nearby are also bus stops and quick connection to the Southern junction.

The location is ideal for those who want to enjoy an active lifestyle as well as peaceful moments in nature. The surroundings offer a popular cycling path along the Vltava River, which is great not only for cyclists, but also for inline skating enthusiasts. Modřany Gorge and Komořany Valley in turn, beckon for walks or running in the green. There is also a wide range of sports facilities, tennis courts or water sports in the nearby Žluté Lázně sports area.

Modřany is known for its rich civic amenities. In the surrounding area, you will find schools, kindergartens, shops, restaurants, cafes, and medical facilities. Culture lovers will appreciate the Modřany cinema, community centers, or the increasingly popular gastronomic establishments.

This modern loft is a great choice for individuals or couples looking for stylish living in an attractive location with excellent connections to the city center. At the same time, it is an excellent investment opportunity due to the increasing attractiveness of this area.

Energy class G is given temporarily, due to the amendment of the law no. 406/2000 Coll. On energy management. After delivering the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be provided.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garage
  • concierge
  • storage
  • loft / Mezonet
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • river view
  • swimming pool
  • sauna
  • jacuzzi
  • investment property
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