Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226 m²

Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 0Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 1Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 2Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 3Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 4Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 5Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 6Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 7Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 8Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 9Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 10Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 11Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 12Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 13Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 14Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 15Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 16Luxury penthouse in Prague 1 - 226m 17
Praha 1, Prague 1
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 4 + 1
Total area 226 m²
Interior 195 m²
Balcony 7 m²
Terrace 24 m²
Garden 133 m²
Floor 6.NP
Parking yes (3 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-5WAR

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

The luxurious penthouse is located in a residence recently went through a sensitive renovation .
The house is situated in one of the best parts of Prague 1. The jewel of the project is a renovated garden in the courtyard, which is available to all its residents.

The bright apartment with a ceiling height of 3.88m is situated on the last floor of this beautiful residence. Accessible via a staircase or lift, which goes directly to the apartment. It has disposition  4 + 1  (3 bedroom, 3 bathroom) and has West-East orientation. The spacious living room is connected to a kitchen made by Poliform with built-in appliances Miele and offers access to a terrace with a winter garden with the view to the beautiful courtyard. One of the bedrooms, facing the east side, has a balcony and a separate bathroom. The second room has an area 22 m2 and it has a bathroom with a bath and a shower. The third room can be used for guests or as a study. The entrance hall provides plenty of storage space and balcony access. High-quality materials such as wooden oak flooring, Alessi sanitary, or Grohe batteries were used during the reconstruction. Large-format tiles are used in bathrooms. The gorgeous design is underlined by LED lighting, the corridor and the gas fireplace in the living room are decorated with luxurious marble (golden spider). To ensure maximum comfort, there is LG air conditioning, the audio system is built into the wall and alarm. There is a cellar  with the big window of an area of ​​11.4 m2, located at the ground floor and 3 parking spaces of different size in underground garages. You step from the garage directly to the building.

The penthouse is located at a safe distance from the Vltava River and no traffic noise can be heard from the inner terraces, far away from turistic path.

Within walking distance are all amenities - public transport, restaurants, schools, doctors, banks, galleries and museums. For sports use there are many options, such as an indoor pool and nature parks.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • penthouse
  • historical building
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • prague Сastle view
  • old Town view
  • intelligent home
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