Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m²

Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 0Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 1Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 2Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 3Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 4Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 5Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 6Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 7Modern family house for sale in the eastern part of Prague - 140 m 8
Praha 10, Prague 10
Price (sale) Sold
Dispositions 4 + KK
Interior 140 m²
Garden 115 m²
Land 115 m²
Floor 1NP, 2NP
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-5X5XH
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Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

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Property description

We offer for sale a family house located in the south-eastern part of Prague.

The family house is part of the reconstruction project of the existing farm and the layout is designed as 4+kk, it is possible to work with the layout further.

On the 1st floor there is a kitchenette with a living room with direct access to a terrace with a garden of 115 m2. The ground floor also includes a dining room, a bathroom, a smaller hall and a utility room, and a bedroom also with direct access to the garden.

On the 2nd floor there is a gallery of 28 m2 and a bathroom.

Each unit will have a 5m2 cellar in the basement of the house.

Parking is provided by a parking space for 2 cars in front of the house.

The project is situated in a quiet part of Prague and at the same time it is accessible to the center of Prague by car in 30 minutes or by public transport.

The location offers peaceful living surrounded by nature thanks to the Botič nature park or the nearby Průhonické park, the Čestlice shopping area with the Aquapark provides a background of shops and restaurants and a relaxing experience.

Project completion Q2 2024.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. The actual energy class of this property will be indicated after the delivery of the energy label.

  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • new development
  • nature view
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