Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1

Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 0Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 1Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 2Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 3Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 4Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 5Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 6Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 7Sale of a 4+kk attic apartment, 160m2, Prague 1 8
Praha 1, Prague 1
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 4 + KK
Total area 211 m²
Interior 160 m²
Terrace 51 m²
Property ID Y&T-RW2HH

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Sale of a spacious 4+kk apartment with a total area of ​​190.9 m² in a prestigious project in the historic center of Prague 1.

This historic house is undergoing a complete renovation, during which all the supporting structures are checked and improved, while the composition of the floors and ceilings are modernized. The technical equipment of the house, including the distribution of water, electricity, heating and sewage, will be completely new. The facade has already been renovated with an emphasis on preserving the original neoclassical elements, including new stucco plaster. The original entrance door and vestibule will be retained and restored to their historic appearance, as will replica wooden windows with modern seals. A new electric elevator will be installed in the building. The reconstruction is being carried out using the highest quality materials and with an emphasis on returning to the original historical appearance of the building. Underfloor heating is used as standard in all living rooms. The entire apartment uses high-quality materials and furnishings.

This impressive house with a magnificent entrance hall is located in the very center of Prague, which offers an exceptional combination of a prestigious address, great accessibility and all the cultural wealth that the capital city has to offer. Wenceslas Square and Republic Square are just a few minutes' walk away, so you'll have top shopping options, restaurants, cafes and bars at your fingertips. Lovers of art and culture will appreciate the proximity of the Hybernia Theatre, the Municipal House, the State Opera House and the National Museum. Residents can also spend their free time walking around the Old Town, which is full of historical monuments and narrow streets with an unforgettable atmosphere. Náplavka and Letenské sady are also nearby, where you can enjoy nature and active rest in close proximity to the center.

This location is also ideal thanks to the excellent connection to public transport - Můstek and Náměstí Republiky metro stations are just a few minutes' walk from the house, as well as tram stops. The location is so perfect for those who want to have everything within reach, but at the same time enjoy the tranquility of the historic center.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. The actual energy class of this property will be indicated after the delivery of the energy label.



  • balcony
  • terrace
  • storage
  • penthouse
  • historical building
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • old Town view
  • intelligent home
  • low energy
  • sauna
  • investment property
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