Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m²

Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 0Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 1Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 2Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 3Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 4Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 5Sale of complex with tennis courts, close to Říčany near Prague - 2930 m² 6
v okolí Říčan u Prahy, Outside Prague
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 6 + 2
Interior 300 m²
Terrace 20 m²
Garden 1 954 m²
Land 2 930 m²
Floor 1NP, 2NP, 3NP
Parking yes (15 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-A2RRH

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Sale of a complex, which includes a family house, a guest house, a restaurant with a wine bar and a sports complex with tennis courts in a lucrative area near Říčany near Prague.

The complex is built to be beautifully and meaningfully connected, but at the same time providing the owners of the family house with plenty of privacy and peace.

The family house spreads over two floors with a layout of 6+2. In the well-kept garden we find a terrace, a well, a greenhouse, a garage and not to forget the garden house, which provides a comfortable sitting with friends or in a family circle at the grill. Furthermore, the garden house is equipped with electricity, a smokehouse and a heating stove. We now move on to the part of the complex where the guest house is located. Behind the main door we find a small hallway, stairs to the second floor and a separate apartment that can be used, for example, for the caretaker of the complex. On the second floor there are three rooms, two bathrooms, a cleaning room and a utility room.

The restaurant with a bar with a capacity of about 60 seats is spread over two floors. Its facilities include a bar, an equipped kitchen that meets the current standards for restaurant operation. Through the restaurant we can also reach the wine room with a capacity for up to 35 people, which is connected to the kitchen by a lift and is located on the second floor, where we also find two pass-through rooms for staff, a shower and two toilets. From the restaurant we move to the hall, which has been divided into 3 rooms with eight beds, sanitary facilities and an escape exit for the current needs of the owners. The hall can be brought back to its original state very easily and two bowling or skittle alleys can be rebuilt here. This part is only one floor, with more extensive renovation, a second floor can be built and make this part a beautiful spa with accommodation.

Moving outside to the part behind the complex, you will find a covered terrace, outdoor seating for the restaurant with umbrellas, a swimming pool, a bowling alley and not to forget two well-maintained tennis courts with all the necessary equipment. In front there is a courtyard with capacity for up to 15 cars.The distance to the center of Prague is 25 km, the bus stop is right next to the complex. Primary school and gymnasium nearby, also post office, secondary school, Czech and English kindergartens, health centre, hospital, railway line (stop Říčany), supermarkets.

Energy class G is temporarily listed due to the amendment of Act No. 406/2000 Coll. on energy management. After the delivery of the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be indicated.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • concierge
  • storage
  • before reconstruction
  • nature view
  • swimming pool
  • airbnb
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