Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator

Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 0Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 1Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 2Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 3Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 4Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 5Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 6Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 7Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 8Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 9Sale of a luxury villa 680 m² with an indoor pool and an elevator 10
Kamýk, Prague 4
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Interior 680 m²
Terrace 68 m²
Garden 349 m²
Land 690 m²
Floor 1PP,1NP,2NP,3NP
Parking yes (4 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-5XHRH

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer for sale a non-standard luxury villa, ideal for demanding clients, on a corner lot in a quiet and safe location in Prague 4.

The villa features a cathedral ceiling over a double living space and offers direct access to a spacious 70 m2 terrace. Dominant modern crystal chandeliers are located in all areas of the villa, including bathrooms. The villa is fully furnished and all equipment, appliances and bathroom and two modern kitchen fittings come from brands Villeroy Boch, Optimal, Dolomite, HansGrohe, Vigor, Siemens, Privileg, Baumatic.

The villa also offers a luxurious slate-clad wellness in the semi-basement with a pool of 260 m2, bar, fitness and sauna. Two staircases lead to the first floor with a gallery above a double-winged living area. All floors are accessible by an elevator. On the top floor there is an independent studio apartment with a kitchenette and two extensive terraces (32 m2 and 37 m2). The villa has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. Parking for 3 vehicles is provided in a practically designed heated garage, which is completely passable by two glazed entrances, generously lit by large windows. Another 3-4 vehicles can be parked on a fenced plot with a wall height of 2.5 m, which is completely hidden behind a tall row of thuja trees, with access from the east and south side directly from the street. The roof of the house is made of copper.

The villa can boast a full range of civic amenities within a few minutes walk, including a nursery, primary school, high school, international British school, shopping centers, sports facilities and Thomayer Hospital. It is located near an extensive forest park, cycle paths, an ECO-swimming pool, tennis and squash arenas. The SAPA market is 3 km away. The architect's (Ing. Arch. Michael Klang, CSc., MBA) attention to detail and energy efficiency is evident - 72 cm thick perimeter walls provide efficient insulation. A binding opinion has already been issued on the land, approved for the construction of a project with 11 living units. This opens up a unique opportunity for investors and developers to create a modern residential community in a prestigious location.

The house is low-energy with a B label.

  • terrace
  • garden
  • concierge
  • after reconstruction
  • swimming pool
  • sauna
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