Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m²

Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 0Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 1Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 2Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 3Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 4Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 5Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 6Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 7Sale of a unique family house with a garden - 2,063 m² 8
Price (sale) Reserved
Interior 755 m²
Garden 2 063 m²
Land 3 167 m²
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-HMW2H

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Praha – historická část Josefov

Property description

We offer for sale a family residence in a very beautiful and exceptional location, right by the pond. It offers a unique atmosphere with an unforgettable view and surroundings.

The familyhouse with 5+1 rooms and a usable area of ​​271 m2 has been completely renovated in 2016. The house has a generously designed living room with a kitchen of more than 100 m2, 3 bathrooms, 3 toilets, a utility room, a terrace with a shading sheet. Quality wooden floors and tiles are used in the house. Thanks to the distribution, the powerful fireplace will heat the entire upper space.

In the building there is a separate unit available 2+kk (73 m2), it has its own entrance, electricity meter and heating. Like the main building, it underwent a complete renovation in 2016. Built-in stoves can provide alternative heating.

The house includes a swimming pool with a heat pump measuring 24 m2 - covered with an arch cover. There is also a winter garden (50 m2), a yoga room that can be used as a cinema hall (42 m2), thanks to the built-in screen and projector. Stylish barn (170 m2). The advantage of the house is also a barn ready for reconstruction according to the ideas of the future owner. The other space consists of sheds, warehouses, attics, fireplaces, etc. What will please all flora lovers is the beautiful and well-maintained garden with many varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers (buckthorn, walnut, fruit trees, chokeberry, lavender and others).

The homestead is located 15 minutes by car to OC Šestka. There is beautiful nature in the surroundings for relaxation and sports. There are several riding stables for animal lovers in the village and in the immediate vicinity. In addition, there is a school, a kindergarten, a restaurant in the village, as well as a famous experience donkey farm - the Donkey Trail.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. When the energy label is delivered, the actual energy class of the property will be indicated.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • after reconstruction
  • cinema
  • nature view
  • swimming pool
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