Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany.

Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 0Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 1Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 2Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 3Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 4Sale of a unit with a terrace, 85 m², Prague 1 - Hradčany. 5
Praha 1, Hradčany, Prague 1
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions Atypical
Interior 67 m²
Terrace 18 m²
Floor 1NP
Parking yes
Property ID Y&T-WAK3H
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer for sale a unit with an area of 67.3 m², located on the ground floor of a historic building in the very attractive location of Prague 1, right at the entrance to Chotkovy Sady and Letenská Pláň. This non-residential space can be used for short-term rental purposes thanks to its layout and location.

The unit has an entrance directly from the street as well as through the shared hallway of the building. Currently, it is an open space being sold in its existing condition, without furnishings and requiring completion for use (electrical wiring, heating, bathroom). This gives you the opportunity to customize the space according to your own ideas and needs.

From the unit, there is access to a terrace slightly over 18 m², on which new terrace boards will be installed. This terrace provides an ideal place for outdoor activities or quiet relaxation.

The historic residential building, in which the space is located, has undergone a complete renovation and is in excellent condition. The combination of residential and commercial use within the building contributes to its dynamism and attractiveness. For your convenience, it is possible to purchase parking spaces in the courtyard, and very quiet parking is also available on the street.

The location is one of the main advantages of this offer. In front of the building is the tram stop "Chotkovy Sady," and a few minutes' walk will get you to the Hradčanská metro station. The surroundings offer cultural and historical monuments, parks, and views of Prague Castle. Immediately behind the building is the entrance to the beautiful park Chotkovy Sady, which is an ideal place for relaxation or sports activities.

The energy class G is listed temporarily, according to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. On Energy Management. After providing the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be stated.

This non-residential space with a terrace is a great investment for your business or rental. Do not miss this unique opportunity and arrange a viewing today! For more information, please contact us. 

  • terrace
  • garage
  • historical building
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • old Town view
  • investment property
  • airbnb
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