Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m²

Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 0Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 1Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 2Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 3Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 4Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 5Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 6Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 7Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 8Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 9Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 10Villa for sale in Prague 4 – 463 m2 with a plot of land of 1450 m2 11
Kamýk, Prague 4
price upon request
Price (sale) price upon request
Dispositions 7 + KK
Interior 463 m²
Garden 987 m²
Land 1 450 m²
Floor 1.NP
Parking yes (3 cars)
Property ID Y&T-3H5RH

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

The barrier-free house was built in the 1990s and underwent a complete renovation four years ago. The 5+kk house with a size of 283 m2 has an open living room with a fireplace, which is connected to the kitchen and dining room. The kitchen has siemens, liebherr and bosch appliances. There is also a bedroom with access to the garden, a dressing room, a toilet, 2 x bathrooms with a walk-in shower and a bathtub, a separate toilet. Two more bedrooms, fitness room, utility room, boiler room and laundry room with access to the garden. There is a central water vacuum cleaner in the house, underfloor heating is provided by a gas boiler, there is photovoltaics. On the floor are marmoleum floors with very good maintenance.

A big benefit is the 97 m2 indoor pool with salt water and counter current. Heated by a heat pump. Ventilation is provided by a recuperation unit. A barrier-free extension with a size of 83 m2 - a house - was built on the land a year ago - now used as office space, but there is preparation for a 2-bedroom apartment unit with its own entrance. There is a living room with a kitchenette, a bedroom, a utility room and a bathroom with a walk-in shower.

There is a fireplace, heating is a separate gas boiler. There is an exit to the garden and terrace from the house. This unique space can be used for business or as a two-generation home. Parking on the property for two to three vehicles, it is also possible to use parking in front of the house. The garden has a rainwater tank for automatic watering. A dug well. Both buildings have large terraces with Woodplastic floors.


 Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. The actual energy class of this property will be indicated after the delivery of the energy label.


  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • low energy
  • swimming pool
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